Constitutional Carry / Concealed Weapons Permit

On March 7th, 2024, The South Carolina Governor signed into Law the Right to Constitutional Carry a firearm for the residents of South Carolina.

This law went into effect immediately and allowed persons 18 years of age and older in the state of South Carolina to carry a firearm without prior training or a background check. This, in effect, will have more untrained citizens carrying firearms, concealed and open carry, throughout the state.

We at I Care Enterprises believe in the Constitutional Right but we cannot stress enough the importance of proper training of the Federal and State Laws concerning the Rules of Self Defense, critical Firearm Safety, general storage and proper storage of firearms around children. The use of a firearm is a very serious event and could result in serious legal issues if the user does not have the proper knowledge of the rights to self-defense and its uses. This training provides the user with the knowledge of what to do before a firearms event, during an event and the actions you take afterwards to protect yourself. The use of a firearm could lead to serious possible criminal and civil actions that could affect you and your family.

I Care Enterprises has teamed up with certified experienced and personable instructors, supported by the South Carolina Fraternal Order of Police, Right to Bear and Palmetto State Armory (PSA) to provide you the best expert training, facilities and practical shooting available.

The overall goal is to provide citizens of South Carolina with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect yourself and your family during an extremely stressful encounter.

Special Offer!
10% OFF

We offer a 10% discount to first responders, police officers, active and retired military, nurses, and teachers.

CWP Class Price:
$50 $45

Enroll In A CWP Class with Weapons Training Today!

Check out available class dates

We Offer 2 Different Class Styles

Our General Admission classes meet every other Saturday and are open to anyone (you must reserve your seat by using our Booking Tool).

Our Private Group Classes are for those who want added convenience or have larger groups.

Private Group

General Admission

Your Class Instructor

El Rey “Buddy” Isgett is ICARE’s lead instructor and has been in law enforcement for over 30 years. He has trained hundreds of deputies in his career and enjoys teaching the private sector now. You can learn more about Buddy and the class guidelines below.


Here’s what some of our students had to say about our CWP class:

Buddy really took his time to make sure I learned the required materials. He is a great instructor

Emily Sanders

I’ve been meaning to get a CWP for awhile now. A friend recommended Buddy and his prices are very reasonable.  Very happy I “pulled the trigger” haha

Harold Green

I already knew a good bit about guns and gun laws, just happy that now I can legally carry a firearm.

Grant Harvey

Things You Will Need For Class

  • A government issued ID
  • A handgun you are comfortable with
  • 20 rounds of ammunition for your handgun
  • Hearing protection / Eye protection
  • Close-toed shoes